Information about Valley Green Tea
En Jie Rudd

En Jie Rudd

Website URL: http://

Valley Green Tea is based in Sydney, Australia. The business was started by EnJie, who grew up in the Fujian province of China, famous for its Oolong (Wulong), white tea and green tea production. She is supported in the business by her Australian born husband - Peter.Valley Green Tea

Whilst now based in Australia, EnJie is connected to the tea industry back in China via family and friends that support our business. She visits the region and her tea producers regularly.

Our passion involves sharing the enjoyment and culture associated with authentic Chinese tea. We sell our teas on-line, over the phone or by mail, at selected fairs we attend and through selected shops, restaurants and health clubs.

We are unashamedly biased in our opinion that China, being the ancient birthplace of tea, still offers the best teas to the world. Many may imitate, but the Chinese still do it best. It is not that hard to grow a tea plant. It is a lot harder to know how to grow tea under the right conditions, when and how to harvest, treat, store and package to present a pure tea with subtle distinctions in flavour and after taste. Within tea producing regions of China, tricks of the tea trade are closely guarded.

This is why countries and growers new to tea production generally flavour teas with exotic combinations of flowers, fruits additives etc. It makes sense to cover the lack of refinement in the basic tea manufacturing process with some novelty factor. We on the other hand are purists, who prefer to let the characteristics of the best teas in the world speak for themselves.

About En Jie

The public face of Valley Green Tea is En Jie, whose varied background and experiences have uEnJie & Valley Green Teaniquely qualified her to both source quality Chinese teas at good prices and provide comment on the related health benefits:

  • En Jie is a former medical practitioner and public health researcher. She has a degree in western medicine (China) and a Masters in Public Health (University of Sydney).
  • She practised as a doctor and specialist surgeon in China.
  • She immigrated to Australia more than 20 years ago. 
  • In Australia she has worked as a researcher at both Macquarie University and the  University of NSW on qualitative aspects of many life style related health conditions.
  • En Jie grew up in China's Fujian Province - a tea producing area famous for its Oolong ("Wulong") and white tea.  As a local who speaks the dialect, she can maintain close direct contact with her tea producers.

En Jie believes that Chinese tea has something to offer in an era where life style related conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes are taking an increasing toll on the population. En Jie's promotion of the enjoyment of Chinese teas is consistent with her interest in community health through natural remedies.

En Jie is available to give tea demonstrations - which can prove a popular draw card for the right venue.

EnJie meets with both the producers and tea growers when she vistits China to review the harvest and choose and revise her tea range. Tea is stored to preserve the freshness using the latest techniques for storing high quality loose leaf teas.En Jie & Oolong tea growers

Speaking the local dialect gives EnJie a distinct advantage with local producers. She can source tea products and accessories over what we advertise for sale in this site.

Video: EnJie's Visit to Fujian/China '08

Fujian (province) is in south-east China. It is a tea country - the birthplace of some finest Oolong, white and green teas.

It is also where En Jie grew up.

Here is a footage of EnJie visiting a Tie Guan Yin (Oolong/Wulong) plantation and production base in FuJian. (May '08)

Mr Ma is an old friend of EnJie's from her school days and also our Tie Guan Yin tea supplier.

Visiting a Tie Guan Yin plantation in the Fujian Province

Video: tea production by hand

Oolong (Wulong) tea is typically produced by hand on the farms where they are harvested using traditional methods honed through the experience of centuries. The secrets of the refined art of tea making, so important to the value of the tea they produce and their livelihood,  are carefully guarded  by these farmers.

This is a video showing En Jie visiting a Tie Guan Yin (Oolong Tea) farm, where one craftsman is manually making the tea that was just harvested from the field.


Video: En Jie - tea tasting/evaluating at a Tea House

The concept of quality differentiation is important in Chinese tea.   Within China for the same tea (for example Dragon Well), the market value of high quality loose leaf teas could be up to thousand times that of the low quality loose leaf ones. Note :This is not even considering  tea dust for that tea type (the lowest grade of teas and normally used to make tea bags.)

There are manay factors influencing tea quality, but the ultimate judge of the final product is the consumer.

In China, consumers go to tea houses to sample the teas before they purchase. These tea houses are associated with the collection of farms and factory producing tea in an area. They provide a meeting place for experienced tea drinkers, buyers and producers, and help preserve the culture and art associated with Chinese tea.

This is a video of EnJie at a typical Chinese tea house owned by one our producers - Mr Ma.


Video: En Jie's Tea Factory visit

This is a video of En Jie visiting a Mr. Ma’s (our herbal tea supplier) tea factory in Fujian/China. Both loose leaf tea and bagged tea are produced here.

Video : En Jie inspecting Tie Guan Yin Tea Plantation

Good quality tea leaves is crucial step to the quality of the  final product. The quality of the tea leaves is determined by elements such as altitude of the tea field, rain fall, sun shine, air population and soil quality etc.