Tea demonstrations
En Jie Rudd

En Jie Rudd

Website URL: http://https://www.valleygreentea.com.au

Free tea tasting demo

Within the Sydney Metropolitan area:

we offer free tea tasting demonstrations.

We have found that tea demonstrations provide a great opportunities for interested people to taste and discuss preparation and subtle distinctions between top listed Chinese teas. Other topics that tend to be discussed include tea health benefits and chinese tea culture aspects such as classes of tea, quality distinctions and grading, seasonal aspects and charactoristics of speciality tea regions.

These demonstrations have been greatly appreciated at various venues such shops, restaurants and festivals. We recommend this service for health and fitness service providers as an augmented benefit for members.

Regular tea demonstration and sampling could be further provided should there be this level of interest.

In particular we support free tea tasting demonstration for:
  • restaurants, tea/coffee shops, health clubs, clinics, health food stores etc.

  • groups of more than 6 people at home or office

To book for an appointment, please contact as follows:

  • phone: 0413 662 798

  • email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Out side of Sydney metropolitan areas:

Special arrangements for demonstrations may be made, depending on circumstances and level of interest.